Local Spotlight #6 - ‘Indian Veg’

Happy New Year!

January is often a time to reset, as you ease into the new year and get ready for some new experiences. A popular trend for January is ‘Veganuary’; which is an annual challenge which encourages people from around the world to try a vegan lifestyle for the month.

If you are trying it this month we thought we would help you out with one of our favourite plant based spots in Angel for our first spotlight of the year….

Indian Veg - and why we love it. 

Our local spotlight is local restaurant ‘Indian Veg.’ It really is a favourite of ours at Prime, less than a 10 minute walk away on Chapel Market Street. It is very unassuming at first sight, so many tourists might walk straight past it. For locals, and those who know the secret of this place, know it is a hidden gem of London.  Get directions from Prime here.

You can enjoy all you can eat for less than £8! The menus are constantly changing, so if you are trying plant based food for the first time, you can be adventurous and try different plant based dishes each time you visit. They really are delicious. 

About Indian Veg.

Indian Veg was set up in 1985, and has been a local favourite spot to not just people in Islington, but all over London. It strongly promotes the benefits of vegetarianism, and has photos on the walls of famous guests who thrive on eating a plant based diet, as well as funny quotes to keep you entertained as you eat. See their website here.

Give them a visit this month and let us know what you think! Happy Veganuary! Find out more about Veganuary here.

Start the year with a new adventure and book a trip to London! Book your stay with us at Prime Backpackers here.


Local Spotlight #7 - ‘What’s on this February’


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